How is using the Optical Fiber Installation Tool for measure? | Fiber Optical Components, Transceivers & Measurement Equipment Manufacturer In Fiber Optic Communications Industry - Liverage Technology Inc.

Connecting via Bluetooth and the app, users can operate the Fitā€™s using a mobile device. | Liverage is a professional manufacturer of high-quality fiber optics components, transceiver modules and measurement equipment. Our mission "Enjoy your life" is to bring the optical broad bandwidth into people's lives.

Connecting via Bluetooth and the app, users can operate the Fitā€™s using a mobile device.

How is using the Optical Fiber Installation Tool for measure?

The Optical Fiber Installation Tool (FiTs II) is a 3-in-1 optical fiber tool which combines a Fiber checker, a power meter, and a light source. FiTs II's Bluetooth and FiTs II's APP support both iOS and Android systems.

Follow these simple steps to initiate a test:
1. Plugin the light source module and the power meter module,
2. Set the reference values,
3. Test the insertion loss,
4. Record the maximum and minimum power
5. Save the test results, and
6. Upload the data to the cloud.


Optical Fiber Installation Tool Tutorial

By plugging in a 650nm light source the module can be used as a fiber checker and help detect whether the fiber is defective if there are breaks or defects in the fiber the light will be refracted, creating a bright glow around the faulty area.

How to test the output power of 40G/100G optical transceiver by Fits II?

By plugging in a light source module and power meter module to the Fits II and inserting the DUT to the 2 module. Connect Fits II to the computer will show the data in the computer.

How to using the OTH 3000 and OTH 300?

OTH 3000 is an optical testing hub which provides both optical stable light sources and optical power meters. The universal main frame provides up to 36 Channels (OTH-3000), Mini OTH (OTH-300) accordingly for installing power meter or light source module. The optical test hub, OTH 3000 and OTH 300 are ideal for field or laboratory testing of optical network testing by changing the interchangeable module.


By plugging in a light source and power meter module at all 36 slots randomly,and connecting to the computer can display data in the computer.

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Fiber Installation Tools

The Fiber Installation Tools (FiTsā…”) is an instrument which provides optical stable light...


How is using the Optical Fiber Installation Tool for measure? - Fiber Optical Components, Transceivers & Measurement Equipment Manufacturer In Fiber Optic Communications Industry - Liverage Technology Inc.

Based in Taiwan since 2003, Liverage Technology Inc. has been a fiber optical components, transceivers and measurement equipment manufacturer in Radio Communication Equipment and Parts Industry. Their main products, including Optical Testers and Measurement Tools, Optical Transceivers, Active Optical Cables and Direct Attach Cables, which are delivered with quality control methods utilizing state-of-the-art processing techniques.

Liverage is a professional manufacturer of high-quality fiber optics components, transceiver modules and measurement equipment. Our mission "Enjoy your life" is to bring the optical broad bandwidth into people's lives. With more than 30 years of experience, our team members pride ourselves on our innovation and dedication to the highest quality in fiber optical industry. Developed CWDM Metro-Access Fiber Optical Network, Passive Optical Networks (PON) and Gigabit Passive Optical Networks (GPON) applications, bi-directional and triplex transceiver modules for the FTTX in radio communication equipment and parts industry.

Liverage has been offering customers high-quality radio communication equipment and parts, both with advanced technology and 30 years of experience, Liverage ensures each customer's demands are met.